Sealing the Notebook

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Sealing the company's legal notebooks

To obtain notebook sealing, the documents below must be presented:

  1. Copy of the ID and national card of the CEO + company’s stamp.
  2. The establishment ad of the company in the event of changes in the name or location of the company and newspaper of the latest changes.

The method of sealing the commercial (legal) offices of Iranian and foreign companies and businessmen, including:

  1. Notebook of the newspaper.
  2. The General Notebook.
  3. Asset (property) notebook.

The notebook of the newspaper is a notebook responsible for registering everyday claims and debts and commercial transactions and, in general, all imports and exports of the trade in any official name. The general notebook is a notebook where the businessman must extract all transactions from the newspaper notebook at least once a week and identify and distinguish between different types of business and summarize each type on a special page in that notebook. The notebook of the property is a notebook in which the businessman must arrange and sign each year a comprehensive form of all movable and immovable property and debts and claims of the past year: each company or institution or cooperative company, such as a cooperative of consumption or housing is required to register at the registry notebook. It is required to take the sealed notebook (in accordance with Article 6 of the Commercial Bureau Law). All banks have the newspaper and the total assets and their assets for their annual operations, should be in the order of the date in the pages of all exports and import. Amending and labeling, as well as whitening or writing is prohibited, and all those notebooks should be kept at least 10 years after the end of each year.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Law of the Commercial notes, the clients who refer to Registry office for sealing their legal notebook must first provide form of the declaration of sealing commercial notebooks through sales department of the worthy documents and mention the number of notebooks. The form of the declaration must be filled out by the company's manager or the merchant personally and affixed to the company's seal together with the registration number of the company or institution in the sheet, unless the company or institution which has not yet made the seal is that all companies and institutions, upon registration,  are required to seal the notebooks, but the registration number must be inserted in the declaration of sealing the notebooks, and all the details of the managing director or trader and the address of the company or office of the merchant must be written in the sheet.

If the referral is a representative or a businessman, his full details should appear on the bottom of the page and present an identification card. The client, who supplies the notebook and completes the related documents i.e. the seal of the commercial notebooks, can refer to sealing department of the registration companies and non-commercial enterprises office of the department for the clearance of commercial notebooks.

  1. Delivers the orderly numbered and strapped notebook to the relevant officer.


  1. The relevant officer delivers the declaration of seal of the notebooks which is completed and signed and stamped by the company from the deliverer and inserts the number of pages of the newspaper, general and asset notebooks, and if the number of notebooks are more than one, he shall write the last number of each notebook on the top of page in bold. For example, 100 newspaper notebooks with 199 pages, 100 general notebooks with 200 pages, or, if all the pages are not numbered, are written in this way: One hundred volumes of the double newspaper notebooks, 3 half pages and then the client takes the notebook the accounts section, and the accountant issues the invoice according to the number of volumes and pages to be paid through Nation Bank (the nearest branch). Afterwards, the client delivers the paid up bill to the accountant. Then, the accountant delivers the declaration of notebooks seal as well as the dated bill of payment to the applicant. There are 2 banking bill, one of which is kept by the accountant and the other is delivered to the client.


Now, the client’s notebooks are done and he has completed the declaration of seal of the notebooks and has paid the registration fee, so he can refer to the relevant officer for sealing the notebook. The officer is obligated to count the pages of the notebook and insert the number of pages as well as the name of notebook owner on both sides of the strap with a seal of lead, which the organization of documents and real estate has provided for this purpose - on one lead, the name of registration office is carved (In accordance with Article 12 of the Commercial Code). It should be noted that the straps of the notebook are durable enough not to cause further inconvenience to the client. The last step is to sign the notebooks in front of the officer of notebook sealing. The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that the declaration is appropriately completed, all the notebooks are legible (name, notebook number and date. Most importantly, the officer must note that the notebooks are plain, and after a full controlling, sign the notebook and insert the current date in numbers and letters.